Below are questions and answers about our daycare. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, please reach out to us on our Contact page.

Basic Information

What are the costs for daycare at the Learning LaunchPad of Yonkers?

We are proud to provide daycare that is affordable for everyone. Pricing depends on the age of the child, the number of days per week, and the hours per day. Get in touch and we will give you a quote!

Do you do potty training?

We are very happy to help potty train your child and ask the parents to foster this at home at the same time.

What if my child has special needs?

We will work closely with you to meet your child’s needs in every respect and in accordance with our certification.

Between which times can I drop off and pick up my child?

We are open from 6am to 6pm, Monday through Friday.

How flexibly can I arrange which days to bring the child?

We work with each parent according to their daycare needs, either through part time or on a full time weekly basis.

At which times of the year is the Learning LaunchPad of Yonkers closed?

We observe U.S. holidays.

COVID Safety and Health Policies

Do you follow Covid-19 protocols?

Yes, we follow and have in place the following Covid-19 Protocols:

  • Social distancing
  • Wearing of face masks
  • Washing of hands
  • Stay Home if sick
  • Cleaning and Disinfecting

Food, Daily Schedule & More

What meals do you provide?

We provide the children with Breakfast, Lunch and Snack.

What time is breakfast served?

Breakfast is served daily between 8:30am and 9:30am.

Can I bring my own food for my child?

Yes, we will serve food to your child that you have prepared for them.

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